
Breast Reduction for Men in Tijuana


  • Gynecomastia
  • Pseudogynecomastia


The condition is characterized by an excess of glandular breast tissue as well as fat tissue in people with gynecomastia developing beneath the breasts. Fibrous and firmer than the surrounding tissue, new tissue is formed. Symptoms of this condition occur when hormonal levels change (either an increase in estrogen levels or a reduction in testosterone levels). In addition, using street drugs or smoking marijuana increases the risk of developing gynecomastia.

Normal hormonal changes that occur during puberty are responsible for up to 70 percent of boys experiencing gynecomastia. A high percentage of men over the age of 40 suffer from gynecomastia. Men make up 65 percent of this population.


Through liposuction and/or surgical removal of excess glandular tissue, male breast reduction surgery reduces overdeveloped male breasts and nipples.

The method that Dr. Oscar Porras will use to reduce your male breasts will depend on your needs and desires. A liposuction procedure, as well as an excision of extra glandular and skin tissue, can be performed using these incisions.

Gynecomastia recovery

Most gynecomastia procedures are performed as outpatient procedures, so that patients can recuperate at home or hotel.

The recovery period following Gynecomastia surgery lasts about three days, during which patients should rest as much as possible and avoid strenuous activity, such as exercise. Any discomfort caused by the treatment area can be relieved by taking oral pain medication, as directed by the physician. Following gynecomastia surgery, patients will need to wear a compression garment over the treated area for several weeks to minimize swelling and provide added support to the healing tissues.


Under the nipples, around, and behind the nipples, there is excess adipose tissue (fat). Male boobs are enlarged by fat deposition, rather than hormonal balance, in false gynecomastia. Pseudogynecomastia is more prevalent in obese people.

Pseudogynecomastia is easily treatable due to the accumulation of fat around the chest. By following proper fitness regimes and diet plans, fat can be reduced, thereby reducing this condition. If there is a lot of fat accumulation, liposuction can be performed.

Gynecomastia vs Pseudogynecomastia

Pseudogynecomastia and gynecomastia differ in the reason for chest enlargement. Gynecomastia involves the growth of actual breast tissue. In pseudogynecomastia, excess fat is deposited around the breasts, causing them to enlarge.


With his fingers, the surgeon feels the nipple and areola areas to distinguish between the two conditions. Gynecomastia occurs when there is a firm mass of tissue under the areola that is different from the fat surrounding it. Pseudogynecomastia occurs when there is no mass beneath the nipple nor does the breast feel uniform.

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